Survey: How Are You Surviving Financially?


It is the nature of our community to present a façade of success to others. We may be struggling, we may be in pain, or we may be under incredible stress, yet we smile on the street and tell others that we are doing fine.

Some are, others are not.

In this anonymous survey we are asking members of the community to rate how they are faring financially.

Are you covering your bills? Are you saving money? Are you spending on credit cards? Is your credit card debt increasing? Are you dependent on Tzedaka to survive financially?

The results of the survey will be published publicly. You are not alone!

Click Here to complete the survey.


  • old timer

    when we click on the link, we get this message:

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  • Gerard Wood

    I’m 80 years old. I live in Canada on a 24k/yr pension. My basic cost of living (rent, food, electricity, internet, phone) is about $1000.00/month. I have $1000.00/ month in discretionary money. My credit card has 14% interest rate, which I never pay because I pay it off each month. I live in a 2 bedroom apt by myself. I think most people don’t know how to manage their money.

    • meyer chein

      You fail to understand, Most people can’t cover their basic needs rent phone etc, with 1000 dollars a month not even with 2000 dollars. So if you want to do something useful donate to the needy, and spare us your advice

    • Crown Heightser

      Wow, I can’t believe anyone would write this. Living by yourself in Canada on 24k pension a year with no debt isn’t something to brag about. Prices in Crown Heights are insane, and people have big families to take care of. Families with both parents working full time are barely making ends meet. Please don’t patronize us.

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