Benny Friedman Releases New Song, Nissim Geluyim

A new song has been released by singer Benny Friedman named Nissim Geluyim.


  • My observation

    Overall nice song.
    But “So many generations that we’ve dreamt, the zechut to live in Eretz Yisroel.”
    Surprised at Benny as a Lubavitcher to speak like that. This echos Hatikvah. The hope and dreams of Jews is to return to Eretz Yisrael with Moshiach, and what is going on now has nothing to do with Moshiach. This is not the fulfillment of our dreams. That some Jews can live there is a good thing.

    • AH

      In Hatikvah the focus is להיות עם חפשי בארצנו, “to be a free nation in our land,” a concept introduced only in the 19th century. In this song the focus is on the zechus of living there, which indeed has been an aspiration of Jews for millennia.

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