Reb Tuvia Kasimov, A Day In The Life
Watch this episode of Navigating Chabad with Levi Mishulovin as he talks with Reb Tuvia Kasimov, a Crown Heights Rov involved in community work.
0:00 Teaser
0:20 Intro
0:51 Reb Tuvia’s new sefer!
1:49 What’s the difference between this and his previous sefer?
3:26 How did Reb Tuvia have the confidence to answer “Shailos” (questions in halocha) at a very young age?
6:40 When and what pulled you to get involved in הוראה?
8:45 How many Shailos a day does Reb Tuvia get?
9:35 Is there a need for more Rabbinim? And is there time to answer everyone?
10:54 Who are Reb Tuvia’s top 3 role models?
17:44 How would Reb Tuvia Madrich Chabadniks to aspire to become Rebbonim?
26:14 What’s Rev Tuvia’s take on the lack of proper halocha learning in Yeshiva
29:08 What type of changes Reb Tuvia’s proposes for this
32:51 How does this fit the Rebbe’s horoah for everyone to get Semicha?
33:55 what is Reb Tuvia’s style in halocha? and which shailos ut’shuvos does he choose for his sefer?
37:40 How does Reb Tuvia prevent misunderstanding from his answsers from other people?
43:10 How does Reb Tuvia deal with the lack of information that people don’t tell him for answering Shailos?
49:16 Is it better to message or call a Rov?
52:06 What is Reb Tuvia’s schedule? and how many times does he go over shach and Taz?
54:36 What is Reb Tuvia’s take on Lubavitch Shechita?
55:04 When and where is a rov supposed to get involved in politics?
58:46 A story about filters on phone
1:00:05 If there is only one thing Reb Tuvia can tell the the audience, what would it be?
1:03:07 Outro