The Oracle: Portraits of the Rebbe – Discussion Between Rabbi Chaim Dalfin and Marc Asnin, Co-Author Part #3

Why did co-authors of “The Oracle”, Dovid Zaklikovsky and Marc Asnin include Alan Nadler’s article, in which, he insults the Rebbe? Is this book a tribute to the Rebbe? Lets delve in with Author and Historian Rabbi Chaim Dalfin.

One Comment

  • yakov

    In a half-joking way, I would ask reb Dovid Zaklikofsky the following.
    To disgrace the Rebbe IMHO is impossible, because he is the truth and the truth is with him. So really publishing Alan Nadler’s essay may be viewed as a disgrace to Nadler himself, who stands up against the truth, so why to bring disgrace on a Jew?
    Or was it kind of an attempt to make the reader to do an exercize: find a flaw?

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