From Boston Latin to Lubavitch, A Film Featuring Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky

On January 10th 2023 Shabtai NYC hosted an assemblage of leading Academics, Journalists, Historians, Theologians, Business Leaders, and University students at the home of Aron Voloj YLS ’2011. Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky was interviewed by Yale University Professor Paul Franks. Rabbi Chaim Yehuda (“Yudel”) Krinsky was born on December 3, 1933, in Boston, Massachusetts.

He was initially hired as the personal driver of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson obm, subsequently joined his personal secretariat, and currently serves as member and a Chairman of the movement’s main institutions. In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Rebbe’s passing, Tamuz 3 5784, Shabtai is privileged to present this short film.

Shabtai is the Global Jewish Leadership Society based at Yale University.

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