Chof Ches Sivan Frabrengen With Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus

As Chassidim around the world celebrate the joyous day of Chof Ches Sivan, marking 83 years since the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s safe arrival on the shores of the United States, and heralding a new wave of hafotzas hamaayonos, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus invites all Chassidim to participate in a Chassidishe Farbrengen on Zoom.

The Farbrengen will take place on Thursday, at 9:30 PM ET, addressed by Rabbis Leibel Altein, Brooklyn, NY, Yitzchak Goldshmid, Valley Stream, NY, Yosef Greenberg, Anchorage, AK, Elimelech Gurevitch, Laguna Beach, CA, Yosef Katzman, Brooklyn, NY, Sholom Ber Levitin, Seattle, WA, and others.

Join the zoom at:

The Rebbe refers to Chof Ches Sivan as “a day established by many for farbrengens and hachlatos to renew our efforts in the mission of spreading Yiddishkeit and the wellsprings of Chassidus outward”. (Shabbos Shelach, 28 Sivan 5749)

For a plethora of resources on Chof Ches Sivan, visit

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