An Evening of Exploring Life With Parisian Health Professionals
As the 30th anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz approaches, a evening was organized on Sunday June 30 for doctors, health professionals and medical students by Mendel Sebag around the theme of “Who owns the Life?”
This year, more than 120 people participated in this evening which took place in the premises of the Jérôme Cahen Community Center (CCJC) in Neuilly sur Seine.
After the broadcast of a video of the Rebbe on the impact of each person on their loved ones, Rav Levi Itshak Azimov – delegate of the Beth Lubavitch in Neuilly – spoke on the Rambam’s position on the theme of the evening “Who owns Life?”
Professor Maurice Mimoun, an eminent surgeon who heads the plastic surgery department at Trousseau Hospital, made the link with the parsha of the week of Korach, the need to have a guide and the difficulty inherent to the function.
The guest of honor, Professor Simon-Rémy Nizard, head of the orthopedics department at Lariboisière, insisted on the fact that in each intervention, we could see the divine providence which guides the hands of the surgeon.
The evening was dedicated to the memory of Binyamin Loeb הי”ד ben יבלחט”א Rav Netanel Mendel Shlomo Loeb. His father – Rav Natanel Loeb then recounted the last exchanges with his son and his gift of self and insisted on the concrete action and the need to share and communicate with your children.
The evening concluded with the remarkable intervention of Rav Chmouel Lewin – shliach and Rabbi of Deauville – who developed the notion of belonging to man. Belonging of life, of body and soul, of spouses, and of children.
Thank you to all the participants and the organizers for this evening.
Photos Mordehai Lubecki