Lamed-K Hasgacha Now Under The Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch

Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch has announced in a recent letter to Shluchim that the new Beis Din for Kashrus is now operating under its auspices. The letter encourages Shluchim and Shluchos to bring Shor Habor AgriStar products to their respective communities.

Shor Habor under the Lamed K Hechsher is currently available in over 350 locations nationwide, with distributors in almost every state that has a significant Jewish population.


    • Anonymous

      Thank you for posting!
      The more facts out there, the more informed “we the people” will be.

      When did he release the statement regarding the tafkid vaad rabinei Lubavitch?

    • Dovid

      He’s not saying that the Rebbe didn’t want VRL to give Hechsherim, he’s only saying that this was not the intention of founding VRL.
      But obviously, if they feel the need – why not?

  • Mushkie

    So what was totally prohibited and unacceptable is now fully permitted! That tells me that either the earlier pronouncement was political or the current one is based on “if we cannot beat them, let’s join them”. I am disillusioned!!!

    • A real Jew

      The earlier was either political or emotional. The out of town people need the new one

  • Shmully

    Short Harbor is under the Lamed-K hechsher????

    I thought it was under CHK..
    JUST asking.

  • Would you eat political meat?

    Wow! The weakening of standards and lowering of ideals.

    Why be separated??

    Oy Rebbe, can’t we all get along?!

    • A real Jew

      Not lowering standards, just the circumstances have changed. Modern food making requires besides halacha knowing, you have to know the process of production. When Rabbi Dworkin was the Rabbi Lubavitch relayed on others for kashrus etc.In order to get along one needs not to take things to a personnal level

    • A real Jew

      What he is saying on u tube was the origional idea. When Rabbi Dworkin was the Rav. Lubavitch relayed on others for kashrus with chabad having observer statues and supplying some shahtim. To get along you can not resort to personal attacks Beit Shamai and Hillel argued but the made shiduhim to one another

    • Clearly is a weakness

      All political mechanics for $ and control.

      CHK meat is the gold standard.

      Kaplan has been playing games to undermine Crown Heights for years.

  • A real Jew

    Keep your gold standards for yourself, Don’t force it on others. “Kol Haposel Bmumo posel” Capiche

  • Anonymous

    CHK serves the Crown Heights community. VRL is geared more towards shluchim and their particular needs. Whom you follow will be guided by with whom you identify. Anyway, I can understand why the BD”Tz does not want to ally with VRL on a hechsher, even without understanding all of the particulars.

  • Tomim

    The farmers rely on one hechsher, while the Rebbe’s Army relies on another hechsher. But the farmers need to know that they are farmers.

    • A real Jew

      Jejune words, and useless and empty phrases. The people out of town have communites to serve not everybody in the world can come shopping in Crown Heights to make you happy, it not sustainable. Did not one of Rebbess come to the defense of a poor woman with a chicken. All people involved are frume yidden. Learn how to get along.

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