A Void Created As Large As His Lifelong Impact
The following was posted to Instagram by Sarah Dukes, and republished here with permission.
It’s astounding that something that is so heavy and devastating down here in this world can cause such intense elation and joy up there in the upper world.
Rabbi Kotlarsky’s OBM passing last week created a void that is just as large as the impact he has made during his lifetime.
As Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Rabbi Kotlarsky did not just have a personal relationship with shluchim worldwide, but with hundreds of thousands of others.
And our family was no exception.
Our kids grew up knowing that Rabbi Kotlarsky was an active part of our family’s lives. He would give them Chanukah gelt and money for ice cream. Rabbi Kotlarsky also made sure to attend our family’s simchas- from our childrens’ brisim, to their upshernishes and Bar-Mitzvahs, and even to Yudi’s Siyum Sefer Torah.
My husband, Yudi OBM, had an immense amount of hakaras hatov towards Rabbi Kotlarsky for entrusting him in his shlichus at @chabadmerkos302 in @jewishlearningnetwork. He would often write thank you letters to Rabbi Kotlarsky and would frequently stop by his office expressing his gratitude in person and give good reports and updates about JNet. Yudi didn’t just do his shlichus; he lived it, and Rabbi Kotlarsky got tremendous nachas from Yudi’s dedication and passion.
The relationship between Yudi and Rabbi Kotlarsky was a deep one. When Yudi was hospitalized from Covid in March 2020 and needed the support of multiple life support machines to keep him alive, Rabbi Kotlarsky would wake up extra early every single day to recite the entire book of Psalms for Yudi’s healing and recovery. This continued until Yudi’s last day on earth in January 2021.
After Yudi’s passing, Rabbi Kotlarsky played a pivotal role in writing the powerful and meaningful description of Yudi that is engraved on his tombstone and embroidered on the cover of his Sefer Torah.
I visualize the reunion that took place in the World of Truth a few short days ago and the incalculable joy experienced by Yudi and all those in the Heavens that I’m sure has not stopped for a second.
I’m sending so much comfort and strength to my Rebbetzin, @wolowik1 , to Yudi’s friend and classmate, Mendy Kotlarsky, and to the entire Kotlarsky dynasty. We mourn with you.
May the unimaginable celebration that is taking place in the World of Truth at this moment finally be strong enough to break all barriers, bringing Moshiach and having all the souls return down here to us, so we can experience an even GREATER reunion and elation than ever before.