Over 500 Celebrated Lag B’Omer In Napierville
This year over 500 Yidden made the way to Napierville to celebrate Lag B’Omer.
In the true spirit of Lag B’Omer, the children got to enjoy the day outdoors playing with bows and arrows, jumping on inflatable games, horseback riding, and visiting the petting zoo, as well as join their own proud parade.
The Bochurim of the Napierville Yeshiva were at the forefront of the preparations and did Mivtzoim with the yidden there.
At the end of the evening there was a grand BBQ farbrengen with inspiring words, fireworks, and of course a huge bonfire.
This event was co-organized by Yeshiva Or Menachem of Napierville and Center 770 of VSL.