Picture of the Day

In a breaking release, a newspaper clipping has been discovered showing that the Frierdiker Rebbe opened a Yeshiva in 1925 in Leningrad with the government’s permission. As part of the agreement with the government, he agreed to teach communism at the Yeshiva for three hours a week. If communism was actually taught is not known.

Image from the archives of Rabbi Chaim DalfinIf anyone has more information about this to PL contact Rabbi Dalfin at info@rabbidalfin.com

See full sized image HERE


  • Not communism

    it says they would teach the “history of communism”. That’s very different than teaching communism as a necessary system.

  • Levi R

    Teaching the history of Chasidus is different different than teaching Chasidus. And teaching the history of communism is different than teaching communism.

  • AH

    Also, that the authorities gave permission doesn’t mean that the yeshiva actually opened. It would hardly be the first time that the Communists promised something, only to conveniently find reasons to deny it.

    And considering this was in a paper half a world away, it’s just as possible that the whole thing was based on a garbled report.

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