Dach.dev, A New AI Driven Way of Learning Chassidus
In a world where digital platforms abound, finding accessible and user-friendly resources for learning Chassidus can be a challenge. Recognizing this need, a team of dedicated volunteers has come together to launch Dach.dev, a digital platform committed to making the profound teachings of Chabad Chassidus accessible to all.
Inspiration Behind Dach.dev
Dach.dev was born out of a desire to address the lack of accessible and user-friendly options for learning Chassidus online. Recognizing the importance of providing a seamless learning experience, the creators of Dach.dev set out to develop a platform that would make studying Chassidus directly from one’s phone or computer both simple and convenient.
Dach.dev was born out of the realization that people don’t learn Chassidus from their phones even when physical copies are hard to come by. The reason for this is how hard it is to actually learn from your phone with blurry pictures or old pdf files, actually learning from your phone is too hard. We therefore had 2 main goals, it should be user-friendly and easy to read. With the new website learning directly
from your phone and computer is now a breeze (and easier then using a physical copy!)
Accessible Chassidus Content
At its core, Dach.dev is focused on providing users with easy access to Chassidus. We are launching the platform with the 6 volumes of Sefer Hamamarim Meluket. And are finishing up Likkutei Sichos in the near future Be”H.
Community Collaboration
A unique aspect of this project is the reliance on community collaboration. Users are encouraged to engage with the platform, whether as software developers, designers, or by helping digitize and add
Seforim to the library. The platform is entirely free to use, thanks to the volunteers and contributors. If you can contribute in and way please reach out to us at info@dach.dev.
Language Accessibility
Understanding the nuances of Chassidic texts can be challenging, especially for those who may not be fluent in the original language. To bridge this gap, we’ve integrated a word-for-word translation feature
into Dach.dev.
While our translations strive for accuracy, we acknowledge that there may be occasional errors or discrepancies. To address this, our team is continuously refining our AI translation model to ensure greater precision and expand language options beyond English.
Furthermore, we encourage users to actively engage with the platform by reporting any errors or areas for improvement they encounter. By working together, we can enhance the quality of translations and enhance the learning experience for all users. At Dach.dev, our mission is to empower individuals to explore the depths of Chassidic wisdom, regardless of linguistic barriers.
Looking to the Future
As Dach.dev continues to grow and evolve, the frequency of new content additions will depend entirely on the efforts of the community. With the support of volunteers and contributors, the platform aims to steadily expand its collection and bring all the teachings of Chassidus to an ever-growing audience.
Dach.dev is not just a platform; it’s a community-driven initiative dedicated to making the light of Chassidus accessible to all, one click at a time.
Yackov Kaufer
It was nice working on this