Yeshivos Unite In Global Mivtza To Learn The Sicha of “Swords Into Plowshares”

Moshiach Expressway launched an exciting new Mivtza that’s been taking Yeshivas by storm at the beginning of this week. The goal is for every Lubavitcher Yeshiva Bochur to learn the fundamental Sicha the Rebbe delivered in 5752 (1992) on Shabbos Parshas Mishpotim. This Sicha explores the historical declaration by world leaders to prioritize peaceful pursuits such as agriculture and social welfare over military expenditures, echoing the prophetic vision of transforming “swords into plowshares” as foretold by Yeshayahu Hanavi. 

The Mivtza involves a week-long endeavor for Bochurim to learn this special Sicha, with a flexible deadline at the end of Shabbos Teruma for those who require additional time. To facilitate this enriching learning experience, a comprehensive package containing Sichos, signs, tests, and a Rebbe video has been thoughtfully provided to the Shluchim in Yeshivas. Additionally, a meticulously crafted English translation of the Sicha, including a line-by-line translation, has been prepared to aid the learning.

Participation in this Mivtza comes with exciting rewards! Every Bochur who joins this initiative will automatically enter a grand raffle on some of the latest Seforim hitting the market. Those who not only learn the Sicha but also pass a test will receive an automatic Sefer (or alternatives). Furthermore, all Bochurim who successfully pass the test will be entered into a raffle to receive a dime received from the Rebbe!

Since its launch on Sunday, the Mivtza has already spread to over 25 Yeshivos worldwide with over 1500 Bochurim!!! Organizers hope it will reach every Lubavitch Yeshiva globally, educating Bochurim on this fundamental Sicha. Yeshivos across the globe, from Mesivta’s to Yeshiva Gedola’s, are all taking part in this united initiative to study the Rebbe’s Sicha of Mishpotim 5752.  

“This Mivtza is a unique opportunity for Bochurim to delve deeper into the Rebbe’s perspectives and insights on current events and the Geulah,” expressed one of the organizers. “By meticulously studying a complete Sicha, Bochurim can cultivate a profound understanding and admiration for the Rebbe’s Sichos and particularly Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach.”

For more information on this global Mivtza, to sponsor or join, Email or call 347-770-2824.

We would like to thank Moshiach Expressway for making this Mivtza possible, and ATO International for letting us use their content for the special video presentation on this Sicha.

May this Mivtza pave the way for the immediate true and complete redemption, as we eagerly anticipate the completion of the prophecy: “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war anymore” with the revelation of the Rebbe as Melech HaMoshiach, now!


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