We Merited to Receive a Brocha from Rebbetzin Chana
by Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus
With 28 Teves being the birthday of Rebbetzin Chana, זי״ע, the Rebbe’s mother, I share the following memory of a blessing my brother ז״ל and I received from her.
The first time I recall seeing the Rebbe was Rosh Hashanah 5724, 1963. That was exactly 60 years ago since this past Rosh Hashanah. I was six years old, a few months shy of seven. I went with my father ז״ל and my brother ז״ל. We stayed at the home of a widow, that was arranged for us by Rabbi Leibel Groner, ז״ל the Rebbe’s secretary, at the request of the Rebbe to arrange housing for us.
In addition to the interaction I had with the Rebbe, in particular at Kos Shel Brocha, when the Rebbe poured wine from grace after meals into our cups, I had the additional merit of meeting and receiving a blessing from the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana, זי״ע.
Unlike the Rebbe’s Rebbetzin, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, זי״ע, Rebbetzin Chana was a “public” Rebbetzin, who had a special seat for Daavening in 770, at Farbrengens etc etc. Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka was very much out of the public eye.
Rebbetzin Chana would stand after Daavening outside of 770, and people would greet her with “Good Shabbos”, “Good Yom Tov”, etc.
My father, who was not shy in asking for a Brocha, decided he was going to introduce his sons to the Rebbetzin (whom he knew) when he went to wish her a good year and a Good Yom Tov. In 5724, it was a three day Yom Tov, so I’m not sure if this was on Rosh Hashanah ( Thursday-Friday) or the Shabbos that immediately followed.
I vividly remember the Rebbe’s mother was wearing a black suit and a hat.
After telling the Rebbetzin our names, my father asked the Rebbetzin to give us a Brocha.
The Rebbetzin blessed us with the three Pesukim of יברכך, the priestly benediction.
A year later, Rebbetzin Chana passed away on 6 Tishrei, Shabbos Shuva, and my father flew in for her Levaya.
At the funeral, my father was pained how some Bochurim were taking pictures of the Rebbe, which bothered the Rebbe greatly, as is known when reading diaries of Rebbetzin Chana’s funeral.
My father passed away also on Shabbos Shuva, exactly thirty years after introducing us to Rebbetzin Chana, on Shabbos Shuva, 3 Tishrei, 5754, 1993, 30 years ago from this past Shabbos Shuva.
What happened at Kos Shel Brocha in 5724? My brother Sroli (Rabbi Yisroel ז״ל), held his cup in his left hand, as he was left handed.
I immediately imitated him, and also picked up a cup in my left hand. The Rebbe smiled at my father and said: ער איז אויכעט א געלינגטע? He is also a lefty?
My father quickly switched the cup into my right hand, and the Rebbe, added: נו! זאל דאס זיין א גוטע התחלה! Nu! Let this be a good beginning…