A Lone Soldier In Israel and a Young Girl Davening For Her
The following story was posted to social media by Sarah Dukes, and tells a special story of a young girl who was Davening each day for a soldier in the IDF who turned out to be a family friend.
After the war in Israel broke out, my daughter Shaina’s school, @magenisrael, gave out laminated Shema cards to the girls. The girls are taught that even though they were not fighting in Eretz Yisroel, they can still be actively involved in the protection of the soldiers and the land of Israel through their tefillos. Each card included the name of an individual soldier for the students to have in mind when saying Shema. Shaina has had her card taped next to her bed since receiving it almost two months ago.
About a week and a half ago, I was having a discussion with Devorah Hornbacher, a friend in the community, and she was sharing about her recent trip to Eretz Yisroel and a bit about her daughter Nechama’s experience. Nechama is one of the lone soldiers fighting in the war.
Then, last night at around 11:30 p.m., as I was drifting off to sleep, I suddenly woke up with a start! All the pieces began coming together- I remembered the name on Shaina’s card having the name Nechama on it, with a second name, and then “bas Devorah Leah”. I wasn’t 100% sure, but I thought there was a huge possibility that Devorah’s full name was “Devorah Leah”. And then the thought hit me: “This would be CRAZY if Shaina’s soldier was Devorah’s daughter!”
Half asleep, but with cautious excitement, I texted Devorah right then and there, asking what her daughter’s full Hebrew name is. At 3:55 a.m., I received a message back: “Nechama Tziporah bas Devorah Leah”.
As soon as I saw the text, I went to Shaina’s Shema card to compare the names.
Nechama Tziporah Bat Devorah Leah.
Out of the thousands and thousands of dedicated, brave, and heroic soldiers fighting to protect our country and nation, Shaina was, by true Divine providence, given Devorah’s daughter to daven for and to help strengthen and protect- through thinking about her while saying Shema at night.
May Nechama Tziporah bas Devorah Leah and ALL the soldiers feel strengthened, surrounded, comforted, and protected by all the tefillos being said from around the world, and may they see G-d’s wonders and revealed miracles with their own eyes!