Help Chabad at Cortland Expand!

Chabad at Cortland has been operating for over eight years out of a rented family home a few blocks from campus.

For years, Chabad has been keeping an eye out for a permanent home. The pickings are slim. Most properties near campus, despite being small and in poor shape, have been long purchased by eager developers and chopped up into lucrative student housing.

Suddenly, an incredible opportunity surfaced. The Interfaith Center at SUNY Cortland, also suffering from the social aftermath of Covid, saw its leadership retire. Their spacious building, right across the street from campus, was now up for sale.

Some buildings are a metziah. This one was a mitzvah. Within weeks, Chabad gave a deposit towards a new building and a new dynamic future for the Jewish students of SUNY Cortland.

Now it’s up to YOU to make it happen!

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Chabad at Cortland reaches far beyond the Cortland student and community populations with educational projects benefiting children and adults across the globe.

A new home for Chabad at Cortland means exponentially increased potential in Cortland, and the space and ability to undertake exciting new initiatives for a worldwide audience.

Some of the projects that your donation will support:

-Programming for students of SUNY Cortland

-Community initiatives for Cortland County residents

-Chitas for Kids daily educational material

Tisha B’Av Camp annual program

-Sefer Hamitzvos publications and website

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