Mikvah.org: Final Call for Hey Teves Sale! Ends Tomorrow! 

Last chance to shop this year’s collection of bestsellers! Click Mikvah.org/5teves for last minute deals!

Enjoy a 20% discount on ALL items featured in the sale!
In addition, receive FREE shipping on orders of up to 10 books!*

*Valid for U.S. orders outside of Crown Heights.
Crown Heights: Please choose free pickup at checkout!

Project Chana Happening Tonight!

to join the live zoom class tonight at 8:30 PM EST from wherever you may be, refer to the information below:

Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84944424298?pwd=TWFLdko3Z3djRWdPNGxtNEpQUElaUT09

Meeting ID: 849 4442 4298

Passcode: 770
Reminder: The Power Hour classes are now available on Spotify for those who prefer listening to the classes as a podcast!
Click the link below to listen to the first two classes!

Go to Mikvah.org/powerhour for more information and to watch the recording of the previous classes.

 Refer to the flyer above for more details.

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