Shliach Makes Birthday Hachlata to Teach the Rebbe and the Rebbe’s Fathers Teachings on the Zohar
Shliach Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz of Chabad Lubavitch Southwest Florida who teaches weekly insights of The Rebbe on the Parsha as well as a Mamar of the Rebbe on YouTube, has taken on a new initiative in honor of his Birthday. The Hachlata, to teach The Rebbe and The Rebbe’s Father teachings on the Zohar every week.
There are many powerful Blessings and Miracles that occur by learning Zohar and the Greatest blessing as the Rebbe shared in a Farbrengen.
The Rebbe said.
ישנה סגולה מיוחדת בספרו של רשב”י בנוגע לעניין הגאולה: “בהאי חיבורא דילך דאיהו ספר הזוהר . . יפקון ביה מן גלותא ברחמים”.
There is a special virtue in the Rashbi teachings in reference to the redemption. That by learning the Zohar we will go out of Galus with Mercy.
Let’s hope and pray that this new class will hasten the coming of Moshiach and we will all go Israel with Moshiach.
To receive a notification of the new weekly classes kindly click this link.
Zohar On The Parsha, Parsha Bereisheet by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz