Israeli Construction and Housing Minister Says Kfar Chabad Is High Priority For Expansion
Rabbi Shimon Rabinowitz, Chairman of the Kfar Chabad Committee, and Deputy Chief of the Sdot Dan Regional Council Rabbi Binyamin Lifshitz visited the home of Construction and Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf (United Torah Judaism), to honor him with a top-of-the-line etrog from the orchards of Kfar Chabad.
Goldknopf has a warm relationship with the Chabad-Lubavitch town, and recently attended a cornerstone-laying ceremony for a new neighborhood in Kfar Chabad. That neighborhood’s development had been delayed for many years, and was only recently moved forward in recent months thanks to intervention by Goldknopf and his office.
Goldknopf thanked rabbis Rabinowitz and Lifshitz for the beautiful etrog, and added, “Kfar Chabad is in a high spot on the priority list for advancing projects and removing obstacles.”
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