The Rebbe’s Bias, The Rebbe’s Daughters


At a public Farbrengen (ש”פ בשלח תשמ”א) proceeding Machon Chana’s Melave Malka fundraiser, the Rebbe encouraged everybody to go and show support. The Rebbe used the words “It is understood that I must have a bias towards Machon Chana.

If it was the Rebbe’s bias, it should be your bias too!

Machon Chana women’s institute is running a campaign to raise $100,000 in 72 hours, following the Rebbe’s Horaas to maintain the highest standards at the school at which the Rebbetzin Chana, whom the school is named after, is always present.

Join the Rebbe in supporting Machon Chana: Donate Here

“At Machon Chana, we have a strong acceptance policy that we never turn a girl away because she cannot afford to pay tuition, Thanks to this policy, there are now tens of thousands of Machon Chana alumnae around the world, leading meaningful lives of Torah and Mitzvos. Many have passed on this eternal gift to their children, families, and communities around them.”

“Understandably, our acceptance policy leaves Machon Chana with a large financial deficit to cover each year. Please partner with us in our crown-funding campaign to cover this deficit and continue giving young women the opportunity to enrich their lives through Torah and Mitzvos! There is surely no better way to end the year of Hakhel than by enabling fellow Jewish women to join Machon Chana, where they will hear, see, and absorb the wisdom of the Torah as one!”

Join the Rebbe in supporting Machon Chana: Donate Here

Our Mission

Machon Chana women’s institute aims to provide authentic Jewish Education for women of all ages and backgrounds, through on campus and online classes. Founded in response to the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s call in 1972 to establish 71 institutions in honor of his 70th birthday, Machon Chana was the first women’s baalas-tshuva Yeshiva to open in America. Since being chosen by the Rebbe to carry on the legacy of his saintly and illustrious mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, Machon Chana has stood the test of time, enlightening tens of thousands of women in the beauty and power of Torah, Judaism and a Chassidic life.

“Because Machon Chana is named after my mother… therefore everyone should participate financially!” (The Rebbe, ש”פ בשלח תשמ”א) 

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