Jewish Simcha Fills the City of Nizhni Creating Big Kiddush Hashem
When the Shliach and Rabbi of Nizhni Novgorod, Rabbi Shimon Bergman married off his daughter, many guests arrived from near and far to partake in the wedding which took place in the historical city that sits along the shore of the Volga river, just where it meets with the Oka river. Since the arrival of the Bergman family, Yiddishkeit in the city has undergone a renaissance, the Jewish community has grown and blossomed into one of Russia’s most vibrant communities with a variety of Jewish institutions.
Rabbis and Shluchim flew in from all over the country, amongst them a large delegation from Moscow, including the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar who was also the Mesader Kidushin. They were greeted by the mechutanim, Rabbi Shimon Bergman and Rabbi Shimon Aizenbach, Shliach to the Neve-Ganim neighborhood of Kiryat Mochkin, and his esteemed father in law, Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Mochkin Rabbi Dovid Meir Drukman.
The chupa took place in the courtyard of the city’s Expo Center. Hundreds of local Jews attended, expressing their gratitude to the Rebbe’s shluchim in their city for all that they do. The excitement was palpable during the ceremony, as the Chief Rabbi of Russia so beautifully explained the meaning behind each stage and step along the way, giving depth and clarity about our Jewish customs.
The dancing continued to the wee hours of the morning, with various government officials and representatives who are personally in touch with Rabbi Bergman, coming in to congratulate and see for themselves this authentic Jewish Chassidic wedding which uplifted so many.
Photography: Levi Nazarov