Sydney’s Second Annual Collaborative Young Adult Tu B’Av White Party
Sydney’s young Jewish adult community came together last Thursday night to celebrate the annual White Party, in honour of Tu B’Av, the Jewish festival of love.
After seeing the success of the last few collaborative events for the Jewish young adults of Sydney, such as AfterGlow in 2022 and last year’s White Party, the opportunity could not be missed.
Rabbi Danny Yaffe, CBDChabad Sydney & the driving force behind Sydney’s young adult collaborative events commented, “To say the event was a success would be an understatement. We saw young adults coming together from all walks of life and areas of Sydney. It wasn’t your standard party, and we could see that many people were meeting each other and genuinely connecting. We could not have pulled this off without the support and collaboration of the other organisations that banded together with us to make this another successful event.”
Danya Kaplan, Head of Cultural Events AUJS NSW, one of the host organisations, commented about the evening “AUJS was thrilled to participate in this meaningful event. We’re so grateful for all the effort by Rabbi Yaffe and the rest of the event partners that made it so enjoyable!”
Hosted in the beautiful home of the Harkham family, young adults from across the community were treated to an evening of community, unity and social connection!
Rabbi Chida Levintansky, Director of CTeen Sydney and Jems young adults, made the observation “Seeing young Jewish adults getting to meet each other from all diffrent walks of life and making new friends is what Tu B’Av is all about”
From an incredible line up of DJ’s belting out Israeli & Jewish songs to an open bar, with plenty of food, lots of new friends were made that night while lots of old friends caught up with each other.
Rabbi Eli Feldman, Director of JUNI Sydney said,” The Jewish Chaplaincy at NSW Universities is delighted to have had the opportunity to be a partner at this event. It’s so important to bring young Jewish people together to widen their social circles and spark new friendships. Many thanks to Rabbi Danny Yaffe for coordinating this successful event!”
Special thanks to the host communal organisations that made this possible; Australian Union of Jewish Student, JEMS Young Jewish Adults, I-Society, Jewish Uni, CYP Bondi, Dover Heights Shule and CBDChabad Sydney
Pics by AC Imagery