100 Members of Melbourne Anash Learn the Teachings of the Rebbe’s father

In honour of Chof Av, Kollel Menachem Lubavitch of Melbourne has shared a shiur on the Kabbalistic teachings of Harav Hagaon Hamekubal Reb Levi Yitzchok.

The teachings of the Rebbe’s father on the Zohar are esoteric and cryptic. With the use of visual slides to illustrate the Kabbalistic ideas and clarity of explanation, Rosh Hakollel Rabbi Yonason Johnson makes these teachings accessible. 

The presentation is on the Kabbalah of the Mitzvah of Mezuzah from the Zohar on Parshas Vaeschanan.

May the zechus of the Baal Hahilulah and the study of his teachings hasten the Geulah.

The shiur can be viewed at www.kollelmenachem.com.au