Emunah Teen Camp Sets New Record, Marking Historic Moment in the Camp’s 71-Year History

The girls of Emunah Teen Camp have set a new record, marking a historic moment in the camp’s 71-year history.

Shabbos Mevorchim Av the girls of camp emunah said a record breaking amount of Tehilim. Organized by Raizey Barber, the girls of Teen Camp recited a record breaking total of 29,254 kapitlach, representing the highest number of Tehillim ever recited at Camp Emunah since 1953. 190 Girls finished the entire tehillim! For 79 girls it was their first saying the entire tehillim.

To celebrate their remarkable efforts, a variety of prizes were distributed to the participants adding to the excitement of the occasion.

Shabbos Mevorchim Tehillim was generously sponsored by philanthropist Morris Gad. Gad is the CEO of Diamonds International and long-time supporter of Camp Emunah who has been behind a number of fun summer camp events.

“We are incredibly proud of our girls for their excitement and hasmodah in setting this new record,” said Tzivie Hecht BJJ Teen camp Director. “We’re also very thankful to Morris Gad for once again coming through for Camp Emunah.”

Camp Emunah is the largest Lubavitch girls summer camp and has welcomed campers from around the world since 1953.

One Comment

  • Blumah

    BH kol hakavod! What an achievement and beautiful lesson for each of the girls! Surely Rebbetzin Hecht z’l is shepping nachas from her girls! Kudos to the counselors who organized the Shabbos Mevorchim Tehillim!