JEM: The Rebbe’s Reaction to the “Shabbat Protests” Will Shock You
Eliezer Shefer serves as chairman of the World Organization of Orthodox Communities and Synagogues in Israel and the Diaspora. In 1971, he and two of his colleagues had an audience with the Rebbe. At the time, Jerusalem was dealing with friction between segments of its community. Pained about the goings-on on both sides of the fighting, the Rebbe suggested a practical solution to try to tamp down the hostilities.
Watch full-length videos of the Rebbe: https://go.jem.tv/YT (microdonation)
“the Rebbe suggested a practical solution to try to tamp down the hostilities” –
No, that is not accurate! He suggested a practical solution how emergency ambulances can get through the area during the demonstrations.
This implies that the Shabbos demonstrations had his approval to continue!
He suggested to minimize the harm that could endanger (ambulance) as result of the street blockages.