Russia: Jewish Community Center in Mityschi District Nearly Completed
In the center of Mityschi, one of the larger districts in suburban Moscow, a lavish celebration took place in honor of the new Jewish Community Center whose building is nearing completion. Construction began three years ago, and is scheduled to be completed this year, with G-d’s help, making it one of Russia’s most beautiful Jewish community centers.
The celebration was hosted by community lay leader and philanthropist Mr. Boruch Bentzion Gurovitz, who stands behind the center’s construction, as well as the construction of new neighborhoods in the area, in which many Jews live. For the past ten years, the Jewish community is enjoying the many activities and services developing on this side of town.
After davening mincha in the beautiful sanctuary, the guests were shown the rest of the building, including the study halls, the mikvas, the banquet hall, and library. They were also told about the latest stages of construction, with the completed building set to look like huge Tefillin, reminding all those who see it about G-d’s presence.
The guests were then invited to a Chassidic farbrengen with Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar in honor of Pesach Sheni. Rabbi Lazar began with extolling the many activities of Mr. Gurovitz, whose large heart is always open to the needs of his community, and the Jewish people at large. During the evening, Rabbi Lazar gave Jewish names to two men who were circumcised that day, with Mr. Gurovitz serving as their Sandek.
One of the men, who also happened to be a firstborn to his parents, also had a Pidyon Haben done by Rabbi Yitzchak HaKohen Kogan, Rav of the Bolshaya Bronnaya Shul, who also blessed all the assembled with Birkas Kohanim.
An additional speaker was the neighborhood Rav, Rabbi Yochanan Kosenko. The farbrengen lasted many hours with the crowd enjoying Divrei Torah, and Chassidic nigunim, which inspired everyone to continue growing and expanding their activities in Moscow particularly, and throughout Russia in general.
Photography: Levi Nazarov