Picture of the Day
In honor of the birthday of the Rebbe Maharash, we present a little known portrait of him originally published in the Israeli Newspaper HaMivaser, on the 14th of Kislev, 5773. The newspaper reported that the great grandchild of the Maharash’s daughter, Devorah Leah, who married Reb Moshe Arye Leib Ginzburg, said that his mother gave him the picture saying it was a family inheritance. The image was reprinted in Habad Portraits, Vol 2, by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin.
Published Before
This same picture was published in the Algemeiner Journal years ago.
mebachem. m nemes
It’s is known the rebbe mharash looked very similar to the frdika rebbe in fact the rebbe said in fact he cried when he said that once a chosid of the rebbe maharashtra came in to the fidiks rebbe he fainted
The image looks tampered with and photoshopped (look closely for patterns) hard to know how much of it is accurate.