Op-Ed Response: Is This Really The Rebbe’s Shul?
by Rabbi Yitzhak Minkowitz
The Rebbes Shul is the Holiest place in the world. It’s your choice what you want to focus on.
B”H I had the Zechus of of being in New York for this Yud Shevat and Davened in 770 as well the morning after the Yud Shevat Farbrengen. This is what I saw, heard and felt.
I saw a Holy Place and heard Chasidim Farbrenging that warmed my heart and Soul.
Was the place dirty as you describe, possibly, however that’s not what caught my attention. What caught my attention was a Holy Place, a place were Chasidim were Farbrenging and Singing Heartfelt songs. I wish I had the words to describe the feelings of Holiness that was and is present in 770.
I did see people cleaning so the issue was definitely being addressed.
It’s possibly a choice of what you want to focus on. Focus on the positive and you will have a positive and happy experience in 770.
דוב משה
This is how a Chossid sees the world. Thanks
Reality is Reality
The fact is the bais hamigdosh was so clean you could not find a fly in it. It is time for 770 to expand and have new leadership. A dirty and old building needs new upgrades.
Fact check
The Beis Hamikdas was probably just as “clean” as the cleanest Slaughterhouse…. one’s awhile it was washed down….
It was only a miracle that there was no fly seen there.
Mr Reality
Your mouth should be washed
for calling 770 such names.
The Alter Rebbe,
Rebbe 4 the ages is called Alter. But that’s a name of reverence & endearment. Your intent is mean spirited. Personally I’m against some of the shenanigans which we’ve been coerced into accepting..
However casting aspersions on BEIS RABEINU SH’BEBOVEL is UNCONSCIONABLE!!!!!
Rabbi Minkowitz, I always thought that for now the Kotel was the “holiest place in the world”. Is that not true anymore?
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
You ask a very good question.
It’s actually a deep question that requires a long discussion & meaningful Farbrengen.
I’ll just leave you with a thought for now.
Open any Mamar in Chasidus in reference to a specific holiday (Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot & Purim etc.) & you will see that it says that that specific Holiday is the greatest holiday.