770 Moshiach Shiur Going Strong, Despite “Opposition”
by CrownHeights.info
The weekly Geula U’Moshiach Shiur took place last night in the back of 770, continuing a seven year tradition despite the “opposition” of some other bochurim.
Rabbi Shmully Avtzon, a Mashpia of the Yeshiva and Director of Sichos in English, took to the podium for the 7:30 Shiur with a rapt audience. The Shiur, with its message of Hakhel and Moshiach went well, until others decided to intervene.
Sadly, at least one bochur felt that the shiur should not go on, turning over a bag filled with raw eggs and torn up Sifrei Kodesh from the women’s section onto the heads of those joining the shiur.
Such incidents have never really gone away over the last few years, sadly becoming common practice as those with the ability to intervene simply allow it to continue.
During Tishrei, when turf wars over 770 “Real Estate” are even more common, such incidents were a daily occurrence, including some that included one faction forcibly removing another from 770.

770 needs law and order. 770 needs security guards inside the shull ( not just a police car outside) to prevent violence and other stuff like smoking cigarettes inside the shull.The bochrim who were dumping eggs on people should be arrested for assult otherwise they will continue with violent acts because they know that they can get away with it.
Crown heights info should continue to post stuff like this not just stuff that makes chabad look good
I’m not sure, regarding publishing the video of the incident as other communities will use it to create a chilul lubavitch
And this is why
… we should donate to expand 770?!?
First can we fund the removal of these animals and their ilk from 770?
Otherwise there will just be more room for this disgusting behavior that has been allowed to rule 770 for to long.
Rebuild 770
Wow, this makes me very motivated to want to donate to remodeling 770.