Thousands Join Paris Yud Tes Kislev Event
Almost 4000 people joined Chabad of Paris for a unique Hakhel Yud Tes Kislev event in the Dôme de Paris, complete with musical entertainment and large raffle.
Participants of the event heard from Rabbi Mendy Azimov, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Rabbi Mashli, Rabbi Guggenheim as well as many personalities.
Musical entertainment was provided by singer Eli Marcus accompanied by Yosef Barmi and orchestra. Cheder Lubavitch children’s choir under the direction of Yehuda Israelevich also performed.
Videos were also debuted at the event, including a videos on the life of the Alter Rebbe, 50 years of the first Chabad house Ru Lamartine, and the various activities of the Lubavitcher Moisdos.
photos by Morde’hai Lubecki