Jews Inspired To Help Others At Chabad of Southwest Florida Yud Tes Kislev Event
A lively and spirited Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen in Southwest Florida lead to forty five community members committing to give out eight Chanukah Menorahs each to fellow Jews that don’t have.
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz, the Chabad Shliach to Southwest Florida together with Assistant Rabbi Peretz Meir Simcha Minkowicz, hosted a beautiful Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen for the community as well as for the influx of Hurricane Ian Relief Professionals, Public Adjusters, Mitigation, Restoration, Contractors & Roofers that are in town to restore that hard hit community from the Hurricane.
Rabbi Rafi Rosenberg, the Chabad Shliach at Chabad of Skylake was the Guest Rabbi to Farbreng with the Community.
Many people brought their guitars and sang beautiful Nigunim as well as the classical Padah B’Shalom Nafshi Yud Tes Kislev Song that led into beautiful lively dancing.
Thanks to the Hercenberg Mitzvah Mission & Chabad of Parkland, Chanuka Ambassador of light Project the Shluchim were able to inspire forty-five community members to become Shluchim themselves and to commit to giving out the Chanukah Menorahs.
The Community left the Farbrengen spiritualy uplifted and empowered to be Ambassadors and to share the light of Chanukah to others.