Expanded Bus Service From Crown Heights to the Ohel For the 14th of Kislev
In honor of the 14th of Kislev, the Ohel Bus Service will be providing extra subsidized transportation round trip from Crown Heights to the Ohel beginning on Wednesday, Dec. 7th through Thursday, Dec. 8th.
Buses will leave from the Draidel, at a subsidized price of $7 round-trip or one-way.
For men, women and children, without registration.
Wednesday 12/7:
From CH: 9:00am, 5:00pm, and 7:00pm
From Ohel: 10:45am, 6:00pm, and 8:45pm
Thursday 12/8:
From CH: 9:00am, 11,:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 8:30pm, and 10:00pm.
From Ohel: 10:45am, 12:45pm, 3:45pm, 6:45pm, 8:45pm, 10:15pm, and 11:45pm.
(There is also the usual daily bus that leaves from the front of 770 at 10:30am and leaves back to the Ohel 45 minutes after arrival. $10 one-way, $15 round-trip)