My Encounter Encounters London

Rabbi Nachman Sudak

LONDON, England [CHI] — As part of the ongoing oral history project documenting the story of the Rebbe’s life, Jewish Educational Media recently dispatched a team to London, England.

The team, with extensive experience in collecting oral histories, was led by My Encounter with the Rebbe producer, Rabbi Yechiel Cagen and Shmulie Shmotkin. Across seven days of testimony, they documented the Rebbe’s unique relationship with a number of individuals from England’s capital. They were joined by a camera crew led by Alan Buckley, an expert videographer with extensive experience filming interviews and documentary features for the BBC and other prestigious news outlets.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

By examining their unique relationships with the Rebbe, the interviewees shed unprecedented light on a host of topics, ranging from current affairs and public policy, to the Rebbe’s concern for the welfare of individual families, and the very intricate details of their business affairs. The interviewees each shared their experiences and interactions with the Rebbe and Lubavitch. In addition, the London community enjoys a number of personalities who were among the close circle of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, of righteous memory. The individuals shared little-known insights into the Rebbetzin’s caring personality, her regal manner, and her immeasurable contribution to the Rebbe’s efforts and activities.

In all, the team filmed over 30 hours of interviews. Transcriptions of the interviews, which are now under way, are estimated to amount in over 600 pages of typed testimony, which will be added to the thousands of pages already collected. The My Encounter team hopes to be able to return to the UK in the future, in order to collect the experiences of many more of the city’s inhabitants who had interactions with the Rebbe.

A special thanks to Aaron Friedman and to Yaakov and to Aryela Shapiro for making this trip possible by contributing principal funding toward the trip, and to the Weinbaum Family for their warm hospitality in hosting the team. JEM would also like to thank the Cousin family and the Sudak family for their contributions. All of Klal Yisroel, who will, no-doubt, benefit from this testimony in the months and years to come is in their debt.

Rabbi Shmuel Lew
Dr. Bunim Weinbaum
Mr. Bentzion Rader
Rabbi Aaron Cousin
Mr. Freddy Hager
Mr. Peter Kalms
Mr. Raphael Nouril
Mrs. Hilda Rader
Mrs. Hindy Lew
Mrs. Louise Hager
Mrs. Tzirel Weibaum