Miracle As California Shliach Survives Insane Crash, On The Road To Recovery

by CrownHeights.info

Hoda L’Hashem Ki Tov Ki Li-Olam Chasdo.

A Chabad Shliach to Canejo, California, Rabbi Moshe Bryski, is a walking and living miracle this week after an insane crash last Thursday left people fearing the worst.

“I thank G-d for the miracle He preformed for me Thursday evening,” Bryski wrote on his Facebook page. “Somehow I survived this accident. Bruised and banged up but very much alive.”

A picture from the crash shows the car Bryski had been in, and there isn’t much left of it that looks like a car.

Fearing the worst, Paramedics and firefighters airlifted Bryski from the crash site to UCLA Hospital, where he received care for his injuries. His Brother in Law, Rabbi Einbinder from California updated the community of Rabbi Bryski’s condition.

Apparently completely alert, Rabbi Bryski posted a thank you to all those who assisted him during the crash, and promised to come back stronger than ever.

“Thank you to the paramedics, firefighters, helicopter operators and staff at UCLA hospital for the great care and thank you all for your prayers and well wishes,” he wrote. “Look forward to being back stronger and more vibrant than ever.”

Name For Tehillim: משה דוד הכהן בן עטל נחמה

Update: The following account was given by a family member of Rabbi Bryski, outlining the events of what occurred.

On Thursday night around 8pm my mom got a call from a local firefighter saying my dad was in a bad accident and airlifted to UCLA. This was all we knew.

My sister, mom, and I piled into her van heading over there not knowing what we were walking into. We called the firefighter back for more details – he was hit from behind and his car swirled in circles facing opposing traffic.

The next 48 hours were the darkest scariest
hours of our lives. But he made it through- and he’s alive.

He has broken bones and is beaten up- but he’s gonna recover day by day and get stronger. He has to.

When I went to collect his stuff from the tow center – they asked how I knew the “deceased”. I said he’s alive – they were in shock – There’s no way in hell anyone could have walked out of that car alive. Bottom line is- he had an angel on his shoulder that night.

I’ve never seen such an open miracle in my life. My family and I are so thankful to everyone who has reached out- thank you for all your well wishes. Many have been asking what they can do –
For now- he’s being treated in UCLA and has a great care staff there. He’ll push through this and come out stronger – so simply
Continuing to pray for a full recovery is all we could ask for.

Hug your loved ones- be safe – life is so fragile
And could be gone in an instant.


  • Charloff family

    Dear Rabbi Bryski,
    We wish you a complete and speedy recovery.
    Jeffrey, Monica & Perry Charloff

  • Shoshi and Arie Strikowski

    Dear Rabbi, Thank god you are OK 👍 Toda Raba to Hashem – we bless you with Refuha Shleima fast recovery see you soon at our temple Amen.

  • Sofia

    Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    For those who don’t believe in Hashem, you are living proof that Hashem watched over us and protect us.
    Knowing you Rabbi, you will be at the Shul praying in a week. Hashem is great!!!

  • Shelley & Avi Asher

    BH May you have a speedy and complete recovery, dearest Rabbi Bryski, and we thank HaShem as we witness this open miracle from Him. Avi & Shelley Asher

  • Brian and Ilana Lipman

    Baruch HaShem
    The Rabbi is deserving of an open miracle
    With much light he brings to Klal Yisrael May HaShem continue to light the Rabbi’s way to a refuah Sheleima