BDE: Yechiel Mechel Hershcovich, 84, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Yechiel Mechel Hershcovich OBM, a kind and loving father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and uncle who was always involved in communal affairs in Montreal. He passed away on Thursday, the 5th of Elul, 5782.
He was 84.
Known for his sense of humour, ability to fix anything, creativity, and willingness to help anyone in need, Mr. Hershcovich was a regular in the Nusach Hoari Shul.
He is survived by his children Chani Myhill (Coral Springs, FL), Lena Silverstein (Coral Springs, FL), Zvi Hershcovich (NDG, Quebec), Benzion Hershcovich (Cabo S Lucas, Mexico), Esther Hershcovich (Tel Aviv, Israel), Bashie Naparstek (Montreal, Quebec), and Malky Shuchat (Haifa, Israel).
He is also survived by his siblings Shaindel Orbaum (Petah Tikva, Israel), Shmiel Shimshoni (Hadera, Israel), Yidel Hersh (North Miami Beach, FL), and Chaya Sara Snowbell (Toronto, Ontario).
Funeral will be tomorrow, Friday, 2:30 at Chesed Shel Emes, 935 Beaumont followed by burial at the Chevra Mishnayos section of Baron De Hirsch Cemetery.
Shiva will be at 6730 Coolbrook
Shacharis 7:00am & 8:00am
Mincha 7:10pm
Boruch Dayan Hoemes