Mazal Tov – Shidduch House Announces Its First Engagement

The Shidduch House opened its doors just four short months ago and is very excited and proud to announce its first shidduch. 

The shadchanim have been hard at work all this time and there has been tremendous activity since its inception. This engagement is just an affirmation, proof positive of all the efforts that have been made on behalf of the singles.

BH we have met with many singles at this point through all the various events and meetings. When a single person comes to meet with us in person, it changes the whole dynamic of the single/shadchan relationship. Whereas before the shadchan may have had this person’s profile, meeting them brings character and new life to them. They now have a better understanding and feel for what this person is all about and what kind of person they would like to meet. This allows them to come up with better and more suitable suggestions. We have had singles come in and within a short period of time have been given suggestions and set up on a date. Showing up and making yourself relevant is a great place to start and gives the shadchanim a greater ability to help you.

Such was the case when the chosson recently attended our Meet the Shadchan event. The nature of the evening was an opportunity for the singles to meet with many different shadchanim and introduce themselves briefly and share what they are looking for. One of the Shadchanim present that night met with him and she immediately thought of a match for him and set him up. We had also met The Kallah who herself had attended a previous event held at the Shidduch House a couple of weeks prior. Baruch Hashem we are happy to say that the shidduch was a match made at the “House”.

What most people don’t really understand or realize is everything that goes into making a successful shidduch. There is so much work and effort put into every single match. Suggestions are presented, research is done, there is communication with both families, and if you are lucky enough, it results in a date. Sometimes only one date, sometimes 2 or more, and sometimes longer. But, very often, despite all the effort, energy and time put in, it does not result in an engagement. And the process repeats itself time and again. The shadchanim are overly familiar with this scenario and it is a reality they experience on a daily basis. But, they don’t give up, they give of themselves selflessly day after day with a tremendous amount of dedication. 

At the Shidduch House the attention given to each single that comes in is very focused and individual. The appointments are held privately and are completely confidential. This allows us to adhere to our very high standards and affords our singles a sense of trust and confidence.They know that we really care about them and genuinely want to help them. 

This engagement is a testament to all that has been happening at the shidduch house; all the meetings, events, commitment and hard work. We have BH sent many couples out on dates in this short period of time. It is really encouraging and gratifying to see all our labor coming to fruition.

The Shidduch House is a warm and inviting space and an invaluable resource to the community. Every person who has come in has had the same positive reaction and has been so grateful for this initiative. There are so many ways to tap into the wonderful opportunities that the Shidduch House presents. We have had a variety of events and BH have received wonderful feedback. 

Singles can make a private appointment to meet with a shadchan of their choice. We strongly encourage any single looking for a shidduch to come in and meet with us. We are readily available to help you and look forward to meeting you. It can be the beginning of a beautiful ever after.

To schedule an appointment, for upcoming events and information please visit our website at
