MIRACLE: Chabad Woman Falls 50 Feet Down Sheer Cliff At Niagara Falls, Survives With Only Minor Injuries

by CrownHeights.info

A Lubavitch family hiking near Niagara Falls got the miracle of their lives this week when a pregnant woman in their party slipped off a sheer cliff and tumbled to the ground more than fifty feet below.

The family from Crown Heights had been on a hiking trip on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls when the incident unfolded.

“I was ahead with one of the kids when suddenly my daughter comes screaming to me ‘Mommy fell off the cliff’,” the husband told CrownHeights.info. “If you would see this cliff, you would think that’s it, it’s finished.”

The cliff, a more than 50-foot sheer drop, is on an elevated portion of the trail that they had been hiking on and has protrusions of rock from the top to the bottom where it ends near the water’s edge.

Miraculously, when the husband screamed his wife’s name, she responded that she was alive and OK.

“I called the fire department, but since we were a mile into the trail, it took 45 minutes to an hour for them to reach us,” the husband explained. “In the meantime, three gentlemen climbed down from another portion of the trail to help her. From where we were, there was no way to get down.”

Nearly fifteen firefighters arrived at the location and rappelled down the cliff to the injured woman. Unable to get her back up, they commandeered a tourist boat and took her by water to safety.

The miracle of the entire incident became evident in the hospital, where the shocked rescuers were told she suffered only minor injuries and the baby was fine.

“When the police officer called me later on and was told that my wife and the baby were fine, he was basically crying,” the husband said.


  • Vee AICH

    Boruch Hashem the wife and unborn child are ok. Unfortunately some our politicians would think differently, but we have Hashem on our side. IYH she will have loads of nachas from thus childs

  • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone

    Thank G-d the mother and unborn are unscathed from the ordeal.
    It is uplifting to read positive news items at this time in the calendar.
    Everyone should enjoy a safe and healthy summer vacation period

  • Dov

    What a great miracle, praise hashem,
    May we only have good news and miracles,
    And just like we hear of this miracle may we get already- with kindness and mercy-the graet miracle of the complete and final redemption הגאולה האמיתית והשלימה

  • Zahava

    B”H for the miracle!
    Also a reminder for safety — to not walk too close to the edge of a cliff!
    May Hashem always protect us.

    • Ksg

      She wasn’t near the edge. She tripped and her momentum carried her forward over the edge.

  • Miriam BardWigdor

    All what i can say :
    הודו לה’ כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו
    Thank you hashem for every second miracles
    Good news and blessing for safety for everyone every place they may be

  • ונשמרתן/ם

    B”h! What a miracle.

    ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם
    Many pregnant women push themselves to do things when they really should be erring on the side of caution. Pregnancy automatically throws the body off-balance, no matter how fit a person is.

  • Esther

    I just heard a clip of this miracle woman relating her story. I was crying along with her, but her strength and emunah… wow!!! She has zechusim. Thanking Hashem daily is taking a new meaning on me.
    May she have a complete recovery quickly.

  • Anonymous

    The part that amazed me the most, was that after the fall, first thing she did was put her wig back on!
    What an inspiration!

  • Anonymous

    The baby should be band Nissim if it’s a boy and Nessa if it’s a girl m!

    • Rebekkah

      I also thought Nissim/ניסים if a boy is born, Nessia/נסיה if a girl! She should be well, carry to term, and deliver healthy baby, בשעה טובה!

  • Shana

    About 70 years ago, a brother and sister from Michigan, fell down the Niagara Falls and survived with minor injuries.

  • HR


  • Rabbi Sidney Glenner

    Baruch Hashem
    Might I add that young children nor pregnant women belong on that kind of hike.
    Hope your spine fracture heals.l

    • DE

      To the Rabbi that said “ I hope your Spine heals”
      I read that the Fireman called from the Hospital that Mother and baby are fine.

  • Anonymous

    Bh for this nes. Thank you Hashem we must con tinue to daven and appreciate life. Wishing mommy and baby all the best!!!

  • Boruch (Bruce) Hoffinger

    B”H she, & the baby are OK.
    Why walk near the edge of a cliff?

  • Raizie

    Whats does a young pregnant woman and noch with children doing on such a hike ???? Nobody belongs there…oeshmartem meod al nafshoseichem

  • Esther

    Barouh Achem
    Odou L’AChem
    Merveilleux Grand Miracle
    Nous voyons concrètement la Bonté, la Protection, la bienveillance de Notre Créateur
    Nous sommes reconnaissants envers Akadoch Barouh Ou pour ce Ness, la Maman et le Bébé sont en bonne santé.
    Merci Achem

  • A Yid

    Why not just write “Jewish woman falls 50 feet….” and “Jewish family hiking…”. We are all Jews…enough with the labels and division.

  • Michal Julian

    When I listened to her telling the story, I kept thinking of what Chazal say
    שאפילו חרב חדה מונחת על צווארו של אדם, אל תתייאשו מן הרחמים
    No matter under what horrifying, seemingly damned predicament one finds himself, don’t despair from Hashem’s mercy.
    He can always save us.
    This incident is such proof of this truth.
    So blessed.