More Then 1,000 Mesivta Bochurim Take First Moshiach Chidon Test, Winners Announced
During the past two weeks, bochurim in Chabad Mesivtas worldwide have been learning and memorizing a fascinating Moshiach curriculum, based on the Rebbe’s explanations of the Rambam’s last 2 Perakim – Hilchos Melech HaMoshiach.
This week, more than 1,000 bochurim received the first test.
The Moshiach Chidon Program consists of another two tests and will conclude with a grand Chidon Gameshow in Crown Heights.
The first test ended with 25 amazing raffles between all the participants on sets of Seforim:
The winners are:
Nitei Gavriel: Yakov Rodal – Toronto, Hisva’aduios: Chanoch Pink – London, Likkutei Sichos: Yakkov Bershevitzki – Cincinnati, Rambam Leam: Mendel Cohen – Manchester, Shulchan Aruch: Menachem Mendel Brownstein – Westchester, Letters of the Rebbe: Shneur Zalman Heiningsfeld – Toronto, Shiurim B’Sefer Tanya: Menachem Mendel Blenitzky – Westchester, Shiurim B’Sefer Tanya: Y”Y Silberstein – Montreal, Shiurim B’Sefer Tanya: Shmuli Glick – New Haven, Biurim L’Pirkei Avos: Yakkov Salazar – Coral Springs, Biurim L’Pirkei Avos: Dovid Yarmush – Toronto, Biurim L’Pirkei Avos: M”M Levin – Kingston, Samarkand: Schneur Grenat – Coral Springs, Samarkand: Aharon Mendelson– Queens, Samarkand: Liebel Eidelman – Queens, Hatomim: M”M Horowitz– Westchester, Hatomim: M”M Stolik – Queens, Hatomim: M”M Tal – Kingston, Yemos Hamoshiach: Shneur Zalman Avudraham – Argentina, Yemos Hamoshiach: Shmuel Sheleg – Queens, Yemos Hamoshiach: Yosef Deitch – Antwerp, Inyano Shel Moshiach: Nochum Avtzon – Cincinnati, Inyano Shel Moshiach: Yisroel Glick– Oholei Torah, Inyano Shel Moshiach: Lior Duek – Argentina, A Piece of the Rebbe’s table: Nososn Myers – Westchester
The participating Yeshivos include:
YTTL Antwerp – Lubavitch Mesivta of Scottsdale Arizona – Yeshiva Ketana Brunoy – Chovevei Torah – Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati – Mesivta of Coral Springs – Detroit Lubavitch Yeshiva – Mesivta D’Kingston – Mesivta Lubavitch London – Ohr Elchonon Chabad Los Angeles – OYY Manchester – YC Melbourne – The Monsey Mesivta – YTTL Moscow – Ateres Menachem Montreal – New Haven Mesivta – Oholei Torah Mesivta – Beis Sholom Postville – YTT Queens – Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto – Ohr Tmimim Toronto – Mesivta Menachem Westchester
A big Thank You to the Shluchim and Hanhala in all the Yeshivos for arranging their yeshiva’s participation, motivating, assisting, and guiding their bochurim with learning and knowing these crucial topics!
This unity of Bochurim worldwide learning the Sichos that hasten the Geula, will definitely bring the Hisgalus of Moshiach, may it be NOW!