Rabbi Zajac Releases Third Kuntres on City Eruvin
Earlier this year, two Kuntresim titled Laleches Bidrachav Betikun Eiruvin, were published by Rabbi Shmuel Zajac, a well-known Maggid Shiur at Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim of Morristown, NJ, explaining the complex topic of eruvin. Rabbi Zajac has now released a third Kuntres under the same title.
In addition to his role as a Maggid Shiur, Rabbi Zajac is also a prolific writer. He has authored two authoritative seforim on the Halachic opinions of the Alter Rebbe and has also published many Torah articles in various venues.
In the new Kuntres, Rabbi Zajac doubles down on his position that according to the opinion of the Lubavitcher Rebbes an Eruv cannot be erected in Brooklyn or any other city which has a population of over 600,000 people plus. Many cities in the USA and abroad have 600,000. For example: Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Boston, Paris, London, Buenos Aires, S. Paulo etc.
Rabbi Zajac also strongly refutes all argumentations that were raised to counter his position laid out in his previous Kuntresim. He points out, that in his opinion, the position of our Rebbes on this topic is not merely a hiddur or the best way to do the Mitzvah, rather it is a Halachic imperative min hadin.
The Kuntres does not cast aspersions on other frum communities, who follow the directive of their expert Poskim on this subject. Rather it explores the view of our Rebbes, so that Chabad Chassidim who follow their rulings, halacha lemaaseh, should be aware of their rulings on this complex matter.