New Summer Torah Course for Retired Women
The Rivkah Davidow Summer Learning Program is a “women only,” mind-stimulating, 8 week course, for retirees and older adults, which will be starting June 1st over ZOOM, on Mondays thru Thursdays at 11:15 AM -12:15PM (ET.) This special program will allow women to engage in intellectually stimulating Torah classes taught by some of the most sought-after teachers from Lubavitch High schools and seminaries. This is a wonderful opportunity for all women to grow in their knowledge of Torah especially with high quality lectures that place much emphasis on depth and analytical insights and will be so thrilling that you will not want these classes to end! Classes will inspire both beginners as well as advanced levels. You will not be disappointed. Please forward this to anyone you know that is retired or semi-retired.
Mondays-Great Women of Tanach
Tues and Thurs – In-depth study of Chumash Beraishis
Wednesdays – a Variety of Topics (including Shmita, 7 Noachide Laws, The Oral Torah, etc)
Please fill out our application at WWW.JewishSeniorAcademy.com For more info, please send an email to admin@UnitedJewishGenerations.com or call us at (305) 770-4540.
The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy currently has two other programs as well. The Men’s Learning Program, also a mind-stimulating and interactive program, takes place daily from Sun thru Fri at 10AM-11AM. There is also an afternoon program for both men and women at 3PM-4PM from Sun thru Thurs. That same link brings you to the application for all these wonderful learning opportunities.
The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy is a project of United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization for senior citizens.