One Hundred and Fifty Bochurim From Kvutza Join Seder Early As A Gift To The Rebbe


One Hundred and fifty Bochurim from Kvutza gave a gift to the Rebbe this year in preparation for Yud Aleph Nissan in the form of extra learning.

The initiative, which was done in coordination with the Hanhala of the Yeshiva, provided a $100 incentive to those bochurim who arrived to seder early for a whole week.

The distribution of the incentive took lace this Wednesday in an impressive event with the Hanhola of the Yeshiva including Mashgiach Rabbi Blooming, the influential Rabbi Golomb and Rabbi Margaliot.

The initiative was part of the Yeshivas Hachana for Yud Aleph Nissan, which will mark the Rebbe’s 120th birthday.

The initiative was organized by Hatamim Baruch Avi Cohen, and sponsored by Meir Buktsin and Rabbi Yudi Grunberg.

photos by Dov Ber Hechtman