The Call of the Hour for Yud Shvat

When a day as auspicious as Yud Shvat comes around, we turn to our Rebbe’s directives as to how to properly commemorate the day.

In a letter from the Rebbe on Yud Shvat 5726-1966 the Rebbe stated:

“On the day of the Yahrtzeit of our Rebbe, my father-in-law, it is my sincere hope that you are doing – and will continue to do in the future – all that you can to support Released Time.”

Released Time is a program that was spearheaded by both the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe and provides a treasured hour of Jewish education to Public School students. Released Time has grown exponentially in the 8 decades since its inception, and has touched hundreds of thousands of Jewish children throughout the years.

This Yud Shvat, consider marking the day by partnering with a moisad of the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe – Released Time.

Join the Call of the Hour Campaign today!