Rabbi Braun: “You Are Not Entitled To Your Opinion When it Comes To Medical Matters”

by CrownHeights.info

In a voice message released to the Crown Heights Jewish community, Rabbi Braun of the Crown Heights Beis Din lashed out at the many people discussing whether to, or not to take, the COVID vaccine.

In the message, Rabbi Braun makes the points that we as Jewish people have no “baalus” (rights) over our bodies, and that according to Torah, all medical matters must be decided by the “Rov” (majority) of Doctors.

Rabbi Braun lashes out at those that search to find the “Daas Yachid” among the Doctors as a way of validating their belief.

Listen to the entire message here:


  • Grateful

    Finally !! Thank you Rabbi Braun
    A voice of wisdom and reason.
    What can the anti vaxxers say now without sounding foolish.
    How blessed we are to have a strong Rav

    • Surprised

      Majority of doctors – as per the updated advice of the AMA – recommend that if a young person starts feeling like a member of the opposite sex then hormone treatment and surgery should be started ASAP as a primary relief for gender dysphoria . Does the Rabbi agree with this?

  • Administrator

    Thank you, Rabbi Braun
    A strong and wise letter.
    We have a responsibility to our community.
    I hope people realize how important this is

  • What is considered majority?

    There is no majority if the minority is not allowed to present its case.
    Also. If the minority are greater experts in their field the majority does not necessarily prevail.
    Third. When they clearly ignore remedies because they want people to be vaccinated that is a political position.
    Fourth. They disregard natural immunity.

    • Medical provider

      100% correct. Even if majority of drs will say to do an intervention but one warns of a risk to life by doing it and at the moment there is no threat to life, shev v’al taaseh applies. But I’m not a tov, just a medical professional.

  • Dovid

    You need to listen to Rabbanim and Doctors when you have a question. There is NO question here once you do a little research and see how many Doctors are warning that taking the vaccine is sakanas nefoshos! There isn’t a Bais din in the world that listened to testimonies of those who are willing to testify in front of them and concluded that the vaccine is safe! Not one!

  • Chanie

    I listened to the audio and it’s mind-boggling. I’ve got sime questions for everyone who is so excited by this message.
    1. If my obgyn tells me what to do when i have cardiology issues, do i need to listen because he’s my dr?
    Any dr who isn’t completely educated in this specific vaccine has no right to be telling his patients what to do and no right for the rav to declare it as halacha.

  • Chanie

    2. Is a dr to be treated as avoda zara?
    Have you asked a dr how much time was spent in medical school learning about vaccines in general? And the covid vaccine specifically? Not always do drs know best.
    3. If you know it’s dangerous and take it because dr says – that goes against the torahs directive of venishmartem es nafshoseichem

  • Confused

    I’m not sure if he’s saying to take it or not. The majority of doctors I spoke to all said Do NOT take the vaccine

  • Suri Katz

    When Rabbis tread where they shouldn’t, they lose whatever influence they did have.

  • Eli

    How old is this audio? It has *NOTHING* to do with the current debate concerning the SARS-CoV-2 ‘vaccines’ (WHICH ARE NOT VACCINES), it sounds like it’s from years ago concerning people refusing proven-safe childhood vaccines.

  • Missing the point.

    I believe his message is that we should not be debating for or against, it’s a shame that he added so much more to it which confuses his message. The point that I took out of it is just as we’ve been united in the onset of the pandemic let’s have that same unity and not let this issue pro or against divide us. May Hashem protect all all of us with gezunt, unity and only revealed good.

  • Yosi

    The way he talks sounds authoritarians and dictator I doubt Rabbi Shwey would talk with this kind on ton.

  • Yona

    To : Eli
    You write “ proven safe vaccine “ wake up to reality… go in to any dr office and ask the dr for the bag that the vaccine bottle comes in and read with your eyes of the SIDE EFFECTS that the vaccine has.

  • Mahtis Granovetter

    The good Rabbi is speaking as if we were in 1870 Brooklyn. But we are in a world war now against a massive Totalitarian group who are making billions on vaccines and state openly they want to reduce the population by 80 percent. Wake up, Rabbi! Look at Australia. You can’t be this naive. Would you trust the doctors of Nazi Germany and call it Halacha? That’s where we’re holding. Open your eyes.

  • DS

    The general consensus in today’s world of medicine is that youth as young as 8 are qualified to “decide their gender” and be given hormone blockers to start, followed with hormone treatments & “gender reassignment surgery”/mutilation, because, science. Rabbi Braun needs to be clued in about what shapes “general consensus” in a scientific community that has killed all debate. Save the children.

  • S.S.G.

    A prognosis is almost always accompanied with a list of options for treatment, left up to the PATIENT TO CHOOSE which course to take. A one size fits all approach is not medicine by any stretch, it is tyranny. Informed consent doesn’t work for halacha. But since Nuremberg, it’s the established approach for medical treatment in the US. We are responsible for our health. Do your research.