Westfield Local Heroes Award Names Shlucha As Recipient
Mazal Tov to Laya and Our Big Kitchen for being recognized as a local hero by Westfields Local Hero Award.
OBK (Our Big Kitchen) an organization she founded with her Husband Rabbi Dr. Dovid Slavin will get $10,000 this is much appreciated at a time the kitchen is being called on more and more to support those in need who have been affected by COVID19.
All who know Laya will have no doubt that she is a very worthy recipient of this award, as well as many awards she has won in the past.
A very moved husband Rabbi Slavin said ‘We thank Westfeilds and all who voted for Laya’.
A special thank you to the Slavin children who are all involved in the Kidush Hashem that the Kitchen is well known for.
When Avrohom Avinu and Sara Imenu founded Yidishkeit a kitchen was their first Moisad, and the Torah tells us how the family was educated to be involved we feel honored to follow in this wonderful path.