Statement: Chabad Explores Opening New Centers in Muslim Countries
“With the growing normalization between Muslim countries and Israel, we can expect to see a significant increase in the number of Jewish travelers and businesspeople to these areas,” said Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky at Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in New York.
“Chabad is exploring the possibilities of establishing centers to serve the religious and educational needs of Jews who will come to visit, do business or live there.”
Krinsky released his statement following the recent announcement of an active Chabad center in Dubai serving the UAE’s growing Jewish population. “This is an achievement that bodes well for the future in this region and beyond.”
Chabad has been serving Jewish communities in more than a dozen Muslim countries, some for decades. And even where it was not possible to establish centers until now, said Krinsky, Chabad has served local Jews with limited visitation programs.
“But as attitudes change, and a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation replaces old hostilities, we look forward to the strategic placement of Chabad centers to support the growth and flowering of Jewish life wherever it is welcome.”
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