The Rebbe’s Mivtzoim With N’shei Chabad During COVID-19
In the past three months, while finding ways to stay sane, getting used to our new socializing normalcy of waving to our family from thick glass windows and the (never heard of before but the now most central instrument)- ZOOM for every meeting, shiur and birthday, the N’shei Chabad Mivtzoim Committee (NCMC) faced a monumental challenge and wondered; How can we continue doing Mivtzoim while quarantining in our homes? With creativity and willpower, they managed to bring smiles to thousands of people.
NCMC held a weekly phone conference farbrengen with guest speakers who inspired and encouraged the volunteers to move forward in a manner of ‘Lechatchila Ariber’.
Through lots of coordination, and hours of phone calls, NCMC ensured that over 20 local senior citizen centers received support each week and for all the special holidays. The weekly L’chaim publications were emailed, printed, and handed out in the Senior Centers. One thousand Shmura Matzahs along with instructions for the Seder were shipped to Senior Centers and JCC’s. The NCMC women sent them subsequent educational information to learn about Pesach Sheni, Lag BaOmer, and other special days. Flowers and Shavuos guides with rugelach were delivered to the Senior Centers in honor of Shavuos. Educational zoom programs were facilitated for JCC children and teens, along with Zoom visits for senior citizens.
During the lockdown, NCMC volunteers reached out to Holocaust survivors & homebound seniors to bring them chizuk and good cheer while giving them a boost B’Gashmius & B’Ruchnius too. This endeavor is so successful that it is still being done and will continue as long as it is needed.
Hundreds of candles, along with candle lighting times and custom reminders, were shipped to the homes of the elderly and infirm who could not leave their homes to purchase candles for Shabbos. There was a challenge when it came to nursing homes and senior citizen centers that do not allow fire. NCMC is excited to announce that in honor of תמוז’ ג a new initiative has been taken on. Halachically approved electric candelabras and also battery operated candles were sent to these facilities. The beautiful candelabras were packed with a pushka and explanation of how to light them, so that the senior citizens can greet Shabbos with the mitzvah of Hadlokas Neiros.
As soon as it was safe to do so, the N’shei Chabad superwomen have resumed their mivtzoim routes in the streets and in the supermarkets while following all social distancing rules; awakening the awareness for the Geulah now.
Now in the three weeks between these two fast days is a period of introspection, longing and action. By showing unrestrained love toward our fellow, we learn from the past and take action. By reaching out to another Jew and showing him care, consideration, and concern, ultimately, the heart opens to the heart and that ripple effects into the world. NCMC thanks their devoted volunteers for exemplifying these actions every day. We are indeed looking forward, now more than ever, to a brighter world.
You can be a part of the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim and spread the warmth! To participate in any of our ongoing NCMC activities, contact us at 845-275- 0509 or 718-916-2626 or donate a candelabra for $30.00 (or $60.00 for 2, etc.) Any amount is very much appreciated and will allow the NCMC to continue their work to bring Moshiach now!
CC Donations can be sent via PayPal to Nsheichabadmivtzoim@gmail.com
Or Cashapp: $nsheichabadmivtzoim
Or online at www.mymivtzoim.com
Or mail a check to: Nshei Chabad Mivtzoim, 1557 Union St., Brooklyn NY 11213