It’s Time for Simcha!!! KSCVK 100K Fundraiser
It’s Time for Simcha!!!
I think we all agree it’s time for some Simcha! Lot’s of Simcha!
On Shavuos we all just celebrated the biggest wedding in history, Hashem to the Jewish people!!
Despite the complications, many families in our community are also celebrating the weddings of their children and the creation of new Jewish families! This is a Simcha we all need to celebrate!! Because of the financial straits over the last few months the number of families that need assistance to pay for their weddings has greatly increased. Even a small wedding costs money.
The standard avenues of fundraising have not been available and the needs keep coming. Chof Beis and Chof Gimmel Sivan, June 14 and 15, will be days of Simcha. We will all have the opportunity to be partners in all of the weddings KSCVK assists and all of the new Jewish families that are created. By being a partner in bringing new couples Simcha Hashem will certainly give each of us Simcha and bring us the ultimate simcha with the coming of Moshiach.