Friendship Circle Virtual Support
Friendship Circle of Brooklyn has rolled out a system to support their families during this challenging time. While most families are struggling with how to keep their kids entertained and divide computer time between the children happily, the families at Friendship Circle have a lot more on their minds. Many of them rely on aides, nurses and therapy to help them raise their children; and with many of these systems already cancelled or expecting to be cancelled shortly, the stress can be overwhelming.
Together with Friendship Circles from around the world, led by FC of Michigan, a VIRTUAL round up of programs has been setup, geared to children with special needs. Through Facebook live or zoom, a myriad of activities, including yoga, crafts etc have been planned.
Many local schools have been generously offering the opportunity to pick up meals for children in those schools. FC volunteers are on hand to assist with delivering those to FC families if the family has been quarantined or are unable to do the pickup.
FC Brooklyn has been creating individualized plans so the Friends at Home program can continue virtually. These are friendships that are especially needed now! This program is geared to children and adults alike.
A collection of brand new toys and craft activities have been made available to families to pickup or have delivered.
Together with the Parent Advisory Committee, a support “buddy” system for mothers has been arranged so that every mother is accounted for and checked in on often. Having who to lean on, checking up on each other will ensure that everyone comes through this strong and healthy, both in mind and body.
If you are able to volunteer with a car, please email Chani@fcbrooklyn.com