Coronavirus Kaddish Program Helps Homebound Mourners
To facilitate the saying of mourners’ Kaddish on behalf of those who cannot do so in synagogue as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions placed upon them by local authorities or their doctors, Chabad.org has launched an online page to ensure that the mourner’s Kaddish will be said in synagogue.
Users are invited to fill out a form, and Chabad.org volunteers will help them memorialize their dear departed during the mourning period and on the yahrtzeit (anniversary of passing).
Organizers note that whenever one has the opportunity to say Kaddish with a minyan, even ad hoc, it is advisable to do so, and it in no way contradicts the efforts of volunteers.
This volunteer-based program is exclusively for those who cannot make it to synagogue due to issues associated with the virus. For all others, see Chabad.org’s Kaddish service, offered in partnership with Colel Chabad.
To sign up for the program, visit the Coronavirus Quarantine Kaddish Service page.