How Should we Speak to Our Children During a National Emergency?
We are all going through a difficult time dealing with Coronavirus and all of its ramifications on our lives. Sometimes we are at a loss on how to speak to our children to help them make sense of this situation. What do we say? When should we say it? What shouldn’t we say?
To help you navigate this important process, Chabad on Campus International (COCI) is pleased to share a conference call held for all Campus Shluchim and Shluchos.
COCI hosted Dr. David Pelcovitz, renowned psychologist and trauma specialist, and Straus Chair in Psychology and Education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education at Yeshiva University, to talk about “How we Should be Speaking to Our Children During a National Emergency”.
Chabad on Campus International salutes the campus Shluchim and Shluchos (and their children!) for their extraordinary dedication and love in serving their students amidst incredible pressure and financial stress. Thank you for all that you do to ensure a vibrant love and commitment to Yiddishkeit from the next generation of students.
To listen to the recording click here.
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